Mei and Dave and TH came up to party at my ugly sweater party on saturday night! They drove up early saturday morning just to don ugly sweaters and hang out in NYC for a night.
TH and I went to school for a few hours because I had to work on a paper (ok, maybe I did study a little), but then later we met up with Mei and Dave at everyone's favorite burger place: The Shake Shack. They have one on the UWS now, so we hopped over there from Columbia. I had a relish dog (hot dog with no hot dog. Just relish and onions - sounds gross, but was actually pretty good. Then the boys got double doubles and I shared fries and cheese fries and some shake! So good. Oh and maybe I stole a bite of a hamburger while TH wasn't looking, but what are you gonna do. It was my first red meat in like 3 years and I almost stopped breathing it was so good.
After that we went to the ugly sweater party and it was such a blast! So many people came and I think everyone had a good time. If you are my facebook friend, then you have no doubt seen the photos of our ugly sweaters, but I'll post one on here JUST to be sure. Jess in her abominable snowman sweater and Evan's sweater matched mine! Tre ugly.
Now onto studying for those finals...
I was taking up two seats on the train with all my books and laptop and papers, and the amtrak guy said "would you like to buy another train ticket for your seat?" Pssshtt. NO. I would just like to study in peace without having to sit next to some smelly person, is that too much to ask? Anyway, does anyone know anything about ANOVA tests and T-tests? Ugggg...
Always use a p value of 0.05. The students t-test is always good for ratio data. Remember your type I and type II errors. When in doubt draw a graph curve.
wow. you are a smarty pants.
I've also got a pretty sweet ass too.
Ugh. I hate hate HATE ANOVA and t-tests. Hate them. I love your life, though. LOVE it. I mean the places you go. The things you do. Thanks again for the millionth (?) time for blogging about your life so I feel like I experience other places. Hahah. :)
I love the sweater photo. No offense to your friends, but you should crop them out and use it for a Christmas card photo of you and TH!
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