Apr 20, 2010

back in business.

i was deathly ill yesterday, and back to about 80% today. took off work and had delirious sleep all day. i hate sick dreams - mine are always so disturbing.

the weekend was really fun - spent with family and friends. attended a lovely piano recital that has inspired me to start either piano or voice lessons again. i need more music in my life. also inspired me to see my friends more often. i really really like them. we went to jenny's neck of the woods to buy fabric for curtains and see her new house. it was so so nice and made me cry tears of jealousy that i cannot yet afford a house and i live in a shoebox. a well-located shoebox, but still a tiny little thing. lizzie was at her finest, as she always is. our favorite of the weekend was when TH asked her what the difference between rivers and oceans is, and she thoughtfully paused and said "ducks". i'm still floored by that answer!!

we rode bikes and played in the neighborhood. it's so cute and we can't wait for them to move in soon so we can play there more!


hanner said...

my sister just bought a house too! the one thing i will say is that people with kids need big houses. i do not. haha. as i've mentioned before. i am longing for a small apartment with fewer surfaces to clean and no lawns to mow. i never thought i'd hear myself say that. but that's how i feel... for now...

JD said...

Liking this new photo effect you're using.