Jun 16, 2014

Happy news!

I am pregnant. It feels so great to be sharing this news with you all, but it has also been very nice to have it as our own little secret for all this time. I had a really rough first trimester (much worse than I ever remember with Henry), and only started feeling like my old self again in the past couple of weeks. I'm grateful for that.

I'm almost halfway through the pregnancy, and we expect this little person in early November, right around Henry's 3rd birthday (we've got the Scorpio thing going on pretty strong. Help.), and I'm excited (I think) to have the baby in the UK. So far, my experiences with the healthcare system here have been very positive. I am loving that they provide so many resources for women, whether you want an epidural or not - it's up to you and all available. We are going to try for the natural route again, since they provide a doula (free!), private birthing tubs (free!), private and comfortable rooms in the birth center (free!), and lots of other little things that should make for a good place to have a baby. 

Henry likes to talk to the baby every night. He tries to show people the baby by pulling up my shirt, and when people ask about the baby, he points to his tummy and says "baby in my belly". The other day he tried to pull the baby out of my belly button, "baby needs to come out and kick the ball with Henry". 

We have been waiting for this baby for a long time, and it wasn't an easy road to get here, but I'm grateful for every little thing that happened that made me feel that much more lucky to be a mother.


Emilie said...

Yay! We are so happy for you!

Jen Evans said...

Is that a bump?

Cheryl said...

Congratulations!! So exciting!!! Glad you're feeling better.

Lara said...

Congratulations on the happy news! :)

Team O'Connor said...

Congratulations! I hope the overseas birthing experience is great. I'm sure it will be :)

2nd said...

Yay, congratulations!!