You know that J Lo movie, Enough? She's a mom to this cute little person and is involved in a scary relationship with this abusive guy. One day she decides to be all super hard core and starts working out and going to the gym pretty much 7 times a day and kicking that big red foam thingy and sparring with her gym teacher, all so she can be ready for her ex-lover to come over and kill her.
Why doesn't she just MOVE??
I mean, sure its brave that she's trying to face the demons, but if some really scary man had a death wish for me, I would do the follwing:
1. Call the police
2. Move in with my parents
3. Get a couple of trained blood thirsty doberman pinchers
4. Watch a lot of days of our lives, cause it would probably give me really great ideas of what to do with a scorned lover.
5. If those don't work, move somewhere like Ecuador or Russia
Anyway J Lo is ridiculous and just wants attention. Grow up.
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