Tales of a Teen Heartthrob
Gnomie: (referring to a recent wedding TH attended) So, how was the wedding?
Teen Heartthrob: It was good.
Gnomie: Oooo, what was her dress like?
TH: Um, it was like...a normal wedding dress.
G: ?? What? Like how?
TH: You know...like a tank top dress.
G: (Stifling back the laughter) Um, what else?
TH: I don't know. Beads and stuff on it. And like a long veil...or train. Yeah.
Lesson learned: Boys don't pay attention to the same stuff girls do.
Gnomie: Oh, hey - how was that party you went to?
TH: Oh, it was really good. Yeah. Really good food.
Lesson learned: The most important party item to TH is food. And, I'm going to have to go to other sources to get my party gossip.
If these go over well, we may look into making this a weekly feature.
give me more teen heartthrob stories!
i love them. what a goober that boy is!
I only get dressed up for other girls to notice me. I'm not even lesbian but I really don't care if a guy likes what I'm wearing because I could probably pick up my whole wardrobe from the clearance rack at K-Mart and as long as it showed some cleavage they'd love it.
I miss you! See you in November!
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