I bought this haircare line a few months ago, despite the warning from a certain girl we'll call Heddo. I'm pretty sure it was either her or her doble who told me to never ever buy Redken because it will screw your hair up and make it sticky and disgusting. Well, I took a chance, Heddo. And I'm supposing we have different hair types, because it did the opposite to my hair. It made it all smooth and manageable and softer than the gold threads that Rumpelstilsken himself spun.
If you want amazing, shiny, flowing locks - do yourself a favor and invest in some Redken. RedHead sister - I assume you are using it since I recently left it in your shower. I really hope you are, I would hate to see it wasted. That's like burning money or pouring liquid acid on a diamond.
i totally got it mixed up, i was thinking Rumpelstilskin was the girl in the tower who let down her hair. but that was Rapunzel. Rumpelstilskin was the one who could spin straw into gold. but you can see how i would get confused, right? here i am thinking you're talking about the Hair fable when you're really talking about the Capitalism fable. you sick pig with your padded wallet.
I THOUGHT that was yours! I didn't want to use it because it may or may not have been my roommate's who recently invested in fine hair care products for her upcoming wedding. Why did I waste my money on Bed Head shampoo and conditioner? Thanks for the free stuff!
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