Dec 29, 2006

I am sick and tired. And I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.

It has been long enough since my blog fast began. I should break my vow of silence. I need to get on with the blogging. There is so much to update, especially given the recent occurances within the past couple of weeks.
1. I visited Utah for a few days.
2. I spent Christmas in a swanky DC hotel.
3. I'm leaving tonight to spend new years in a crowded mess of boozehounds in new york.
4. I started working.
5. I may be moving very soon into a new locale, conveniently located near the metro.

I am waiting for a couple other developments to pan out...and when they life will be forever changed!
Or atleast, I will pretend it will be so changed.

Today I went on a job interview, in which I was stiffly informed that I missed. It was last Wednesday. Hardly. I KNOW he told me Friday. I wrote it down, Friday the 29th. Anyway, I believe that they can politely stick it up their wahoos because the job was so far away, I would never in a million years work there. It took me 2 HOURS to travel there. Car, metro, transfer, metro, walk 1/2 mile. No thanks, mr. ican'trememberwhichdayitoldpoorsickgirltointerview. What an unfortunate name.


Anonymous said...

That is an unfortunate, but astoundingly precise, name. It's no wonder that he screwed up your appointment. Sometimes you can't help but live out the stereotype that your name gives you.
Also, I think you should have stolen all the pens and ficuses you could from that office. And perhaps a wet floor sign or two. And asked to use their bathroom and NOT flushed, or clogged the toilet.

Anonymous said...

That sumbitch. I'll kill him. Just give me the high sign.