Apr 10, 2007

CLIF Banana Nut Bread

Don't ever eat this.While I have enjoyed many other flavor varieties from Clif, this particular banana flavor honestly makes me wretch. It smelled like medicine when I opened the wrapper and the three bites that are now in my stomach are mixing with the other residents of my stomach for a quite unenjoyable result.

Where's my Cherry Pie when I need it?


leslie said...

i was thinking, mmmm larabar cherry pie, want... to... eat... must... have... and i was trying to remember who was the person who fed me one just last week [thus winning the way forever into my heart with food]. then i remembered it was you. the friend whose blog i am reading, and the friend of whom i am reminded while reading said blog, are one and the same. moral of the story, i don't have very many friends.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I thought I was your cherry pie. And next, please don't drink Monster drinks. They suck. Stick with the Red Bull. Or get the little Sobe energy drinks - same size as Red Bull, but difficult to find. They are delicious. But then again, a good Mormon girl wouldn't need energy drinks. A good Mormon girl would go to bed early after reading her scriptures; she wouldn't sit up most of the night watching Jennifer Garner play a stripper as one of her aliases on the show, Alias. But I'm sure you wouldn't know anything about that.

Anonymous said...

Post more things, I miss witty Julie.