Dec 18, 2007

Me gusta la iglesia

You may have heard about my penchant for all things Russian. Oh, you haven't? Well, allow me to expound on these feelings. I know half of the Russian alphabet, I can mutter a few Ruske phrases, and I like chai tea. I realize this basically makes me Russian, so watch out for me. Oh, I also carry a communist bag, but that more has to do with the Chairman...which we won't go into right now.

I digress. Recently I went to a concert at the Kennedy Center celebrating Russian music. This event shared some beautiful and inspiring music, as well as some uplifting words about the recently departed Rostoprovich. What I didn't know is that there is a rather sizeable Russian community in the DC area. And that Russian events take place with some frequency.

Last night, I attended an event at the Basilica at Catholic University. It was a new Christmas Oratorio written by the Russian Orthodox bishop of all of Eastern Europe. He was in attendance, as well as the Russian minister of culture. Pretty wild.
The oratorio was performed by Russia's National Defense Ministry Orchestra. Apparently it was a pretty historical event, being that it occured with the knowledge and approval of the highest levels of the Russian government. So...yay.

Anyway it was really beautiful and haunting music. The way you want Russian music to sound - it definitely delivered. But what I loved was the Basilica itself.

I love the architecture of cathedrals. But I missed the more direct "art" found in most catholic churches in south america. Blood and guts and graphic depictions of Christ. Weeping women mourning lost loves and friends. That being said - the Basilica did have an AWESOME depiction of God.

Praytell (no pun intended) - is that fire coming out of his head or just a really cool hat? Either way, sign me up.


modestmuse said...

Yeah, I saw that Aryan "Christ" depiction when I was at the Basilica a few weeks ago. The flames and menacing glare kinda threw me off. Also the goldilocks. Ah well.

Steve said...

The best churches I have ever been in are the Russian Orthodox ones in Russia. Even better than the Notre Dom and others in Europe, but I'm a pinko-commie, haha.