Oct 11, 2008

What is wrong with me?

I am having a massive craving for roast beef. The roast beef my mom used to make growing up - the roast beef that we just called "roast". Served in a stewy goodness of potatoes and carrots, and topped with gravy. Oh, wow. I think I would eat it if I had a plate in front of me right now.
Sometimes it is hard being a vegetarian because you're just thinking "I don't mind not eating meat at all, in fact I like that I feel that I took a stand on something I believe in - preserve life and eat on low levels of the food chain to make a small impact." But lately. Oh, man. Lately, I have been wanting a pork bbq sandwich like you wouldn't believe. Lately, I have been craving a big sub sandwich filled with processed meats and cheeses. Lately, I have been wanting to stuff my face with some roast and potatoes.

What is a vegetarian to do? Should I take a break for awhile and eat some meat that my body is asking for? If I didn't know better, I'd think I were pregnant. But thats impossible unless immaculate conception part duex.

So the holidays are coming up. That means turkey, ham, roast, and leftovers you can use to make things like the following:

I understand how someone can get passionate about food - I have my fair share of experience with this. I can't figure out whether TH likes this or not. He pokes fun at my foodie tendencies, particularly when these tendencies result in his wallet participation. Lucky for him, he has enjoyed the fruits of my epicurean labors. And you can't put a price on that.


Eric said...

The thing is, you're not making a difference. I have been eating twice the meat to make up for your lackadaisical attitude. You may as well just succumb to deliciousness.

Anonymous said...

2 words: will ards.