May 22, 2009

post.graduation days 1 and 2

Webster Hall: St. Vincent. Annie the pixie singer with dark curly hair, reminding me of my pixie friend Annie from DC with dark curly hair. A gathering of some nyc favorites to see her, and enjoy a pre-show arepa at Caracas.

Next day. Gnomie and Josh beach trip to the nude beach. Yes, the nude beach. Zipcar to Long Island, near Jones Beach, but a walk down proved to be an interesting choice. I saw a sasquatch man laying behind a roofless tent, face down thank goodness. Then we walked through 65 year old potbelly naked man land. Plus a 400 pound woman. All NAKED. We had a good chuckle, then layed out in the sun. Ate strawberries. Ate wheat thins and cheddar. Played with my new holga. Walked to a nearby lighthouse.

See the tent in the background? That's sasquatch man!

This morning? BURNED. Aloe plant will hopefully save me. Staying hydrated. Eating watermelon. Laying on the couch, watching my netflix. Rachel Getting Married. The Changeling. Next up: Friends episodes. Then TH comes into town later tonight! Date night!

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