Feb 23, 2010

home sick.

i'm sitting in the bed. legs crossed. bare-legged Hill workers walking on the sidewalks outside (somebody tell them about pants! or hose!). i was so sick this morning, so i just decided to have an at home day. plus the couch was being delivered today so it actually worked out pretty well - i just came over to the Cap Hill apt around 10:30 after i was finally able to get out of bed.

so now, we have a couch! it's so nice. thank you annie for your brilliant suggestion. and thank you couch movers for being super awesome and bringing that thing up the stairs and wedging it through the door!

i also went grocery shopping because poor TH had condiments, some leftovers, and 2 small potatoes. that's it. he is in for a rude awakening from bachelor fridge when i finally move in. i really like cooking at home but we are always so busy, we usually end up grabbing something late that we end up regretting. sob story.

now i'm listening to sigur ros and looking out the window at the birds playing in the trees. yes, i really do like this apartment. i wish it were warmer outside - all i want to do is hop on a bike a ride around the lovely neighborhood!


hanner said...

we both woke up at 3 am because robbie was in a coughing fit. after about 15 minutes of his coughing and us laying there unhappily he said "i'm going to go sleep in the basement." it was probably one of the lower points of our marriage.

hanner said...

and um, the point of me sharing that story is because now i'm sick too and i wish that i stayed home. bah!