Jan 11, 2007


Today on the metro, I was "that guy". You know how you always see people who make a scene on public transit? And you always say to yourself 'Man, I would never want to be that guy'. Well.

I was running down the escalator, scurrying past all the silly ladies who wear their heels on the metro (hello--its sneaker time!) and I had my iPod blaring in my ears on a Muse song that really got me fired up to be in fast mode. So I'm running onto the metro and as I'm getting on...the doors shut on my backpack. And I scream. And the doors reopen and the metro voice says "Doors closing, please stand clear of the doors" and then they shut again, this time with all of my person inside. That was right after I ran into the girl in front of me and screamed, "Oh geez! I'm so sorry! I was stuck!".
Then I look around and EVERYone was staring at me. So I lowered my volume and the train was absolutely silent. There I was making a bloody fool out of myself, screaming and yelling and getting myself stuck in the door. Then I had to ride with those people for the next half hour.

Everytime I see somebody run onto the metro I always laugh at them while others shake their heads in disapproval. This time, I was the fool. Funny thing is: if i wasn't listening to my iPod, I would've heard the annoucement: "Doors Closing!" But I didn't. I'm getting rid of my iPod! As soon as the iPhone comes out! 2007 is the year of techno-savvy Julie!


Eric said...

There is nothing I love more than watching someone run for the train and their out-of-breath panting entrance. The look of accomplishment, the look of 'I knew that I could sleep in those extra five minutes' or 'I knew I had time to stop for that sausage egg and cheese biscuit combo meal from the BK Lounge' - not that I would know from experience, said look is priceless.

Anonymous said...

ma ha. iphone. isay iwant iknow irene?