Jan 26, 2010

dating in the district

sometimes being engaged feels like more of a chore than anything else. everyone always says - oh, such a fun time! but in our case, they are wrong. maybe its because i'm a lazy perfectionist masquerading as a nonchalant wedding planner. maybe its because we're planning the wedding in 3 months. maybe its because we are both dismal decision makers and cannot commit to things.

for example. TH has a dirty habit of pressing snooze button. one time, after hearing his snooze button for like the 19th time, i just sleepily cried out "come on! commit!!"

for second example. it took us 3 years to get engaged. i'm just sayin. we don't take things lightly.

anyway, wedding planning is blerg disgusting. but then you have the break through moments like being so excited about a material you found. or discovering a new way of shrinking down your favorite food to bite-sized portion. or getting the perfect band (hot jazz, duh).

but back to the dismal side - the point of this email is that in the past 2 months of engagement, i've been on like 2 dates with TH. lame. we really like going out but we're just too exhausted to ever do anything lately.

BUT. that is not to say i am not ready to tell YOU where to go on dates in this lovely city. i'm starting a new little feature on this blog: "dating in the district". and when i say dating, i mean girl/boy dates, girl/girl dates, group dates, man dates, etc. just go out and enjoy this little gem of a town. i'll just share some of my favorite spots i've found over my life in and around washington dc.

so. i'll start tomorrow. because today is almost over. and i actually should really be working right now (shhh...)


hanner said...

when i think of hot jazz i think of 1st rob bamberger, 2nd my history of jazz teacher who said "HOT! jazz" in such an enticing way i can't type it out.

Rowdy Rowlett's said...

oh you've got nothing on us! 2 dates in 2 months is actually pretty good. Wait till you throw kids into the mix and then you'll really know "not having time for each other".

By the way... think up a great date place for us when we come to visit! Since we'll have babysitters a-plenty, maybe we can actually get out!

Steve said...

Yeah, your life is EASY now. Once you are married things just get busier. And after the kids, dating is OVER, haha.