Jul 11, 2006

Is that fax machine subsidized?

Graduating from college has afforded me the luxury of accepting a government job as a receptionist, working with lovely people.

All the intricate innerworkings that make an office an office plague me as a receptionist. We've got all the token characters needed to complete the scene, everyone perfectly casted and ever ready to add to the mundanely entertaining plot.

Because I have positioned myself in the hub of the community, I am poised to be the recipient of all gossip, witness the small flirtations exchanged between two lusty coworkers, and feel a sense of duty to count the pieces of candy each person steals from the jar.
Here's a snippet of conversations heard on a regular basis:
A: How are you this fine morning?
me: (any response at all--could be 'wonderful!' or 'my dog just died' and it would get the same response from person A)
A: That's terrific.

B: Mmmm....candy! (sifting thru to see the options) What do I want?
me: *looking blankly at them--hmmm...good question.
B: (Then replies with one of the following)--1. It's that time of the day again! (nervous laughter) 2. I need my fix!(nervous laughter) or 3. (nervous laughter) Ahh...(candy unwrapping, pop candy in mouth, walk away)

As an anthropologist, I believe I have been conditioned to observe and evalute these behaviors within the office. I'm still in the observing phase, I will try and evalute and compile my results for later discussion.

Blunders of my office career thus far:
1. As the daily flag raiser, I'm bound to make mistakes, especially after a late night.

2. Answering the phone "Dominos Pizza, may I take your order?
3. Forgetting to lock the doors, shut off the lights, and turn off the phones at the end of the day.
4. Getting in trouble for watching world cup game on my computer. (It's only on every 4 years! What do you want from me?)
5. Agreeing to be the office bitch, taking on everyones work, then having them demand it be finished. I'm only one woman.

Oh well, atleast I can drown my sorrows in the lyrical melodies of my iPod. Thanks Dad.


Eric said...

That sucks you got busted for watching World Cup. I bet they would let you watch FOX News all you wanted. Damn conservative bastards.

scareemary said...

he he he... dominos, that's embarrasing chica.

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.