Oct 27, 2006

Happiness. is. two kinds of ice cream

I have two things in my life that are so comforting.

1. As aforementioned, my wisdom teeth are coming in. While they give me the occasional splitting headache, I'm usually able to manage, given that I have nothing else in my life to stress me out. I feel almost like I'm having a baby. The only one that has impacted is my top right molar(my right, your left). It erupted about a week ago and I check it constantly with my tounge tip. It is still an unfamiliar sensation, but I am getting used to it. And like I said, it's kind of like a babby. Every day it comes in a little more. I have something growing inside of me that is coming forth into the world to experince things like seeds of raspberries, plaque, and decay. What a beautiful thing. Like a child, my tooth allows me to receive the necessary headaches and problems anyone would experience. But the joy it brings to your life is no comparison to the hard times. I'm really getting attached. So if I get them removed (gulp), is that like...getting an abortion?

2. I've been using my house phone to make and receive calls for the past week. Like a oversized, fluffy blanket on a cold morning, having a large phone against your head feels like home. There is something to be said about the fact that phones had both a device to reach your ear and to place in front of your mouth. This produces a better ability to more clearly hear the caller and vice versa. Something that reminds me about staying up late, talking to Steve or catching the latest gossip from my middle school friends, feels wonderful while I hold the large receiver, pressed up close to my ear. I can lean my head to my neck and hold the phone again! I can twirl the phone cord through my fingers again! I can't walk too far because the cord won't allow me to do so! Gramma may have to hop over the cord that is stretched out to my bedroom! I want to wear a big tie-dye shirt, perm my hair, and flop down on my bed with the phone cuddled up to my ear.
Once I'm landlineless again, I may have to invest in this:

3. I've also been listening to "If You Rescue Me", the song from the movie Science of Sleep. A velvet underground cover worth checking out.


Anonymous said...

By "Talking to Steve" I'm assuming you're referring to Steve Irwin. I had a dream that Mr. Irwin and I made a zoo together in Australia and we were flying over it together and talking to all the animals, and Shamu talked back. It was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Clever use of dental anamtomy again...love it!

Eric said...

Happiness is eating a moose roast that my coolest friend in the world brought me from Alaska. It was more gamey than I thought it would be.

leslie said...

yes, gnomie. it's abortion. you'll need to think long and hard about this, but we'll all support you in the end.

happiness for me is all the videos eric put on his blog.

Anonymous said...

I hate toothaches. I had a killer one while I was on the remote Grand Turk Island that kept me up all night, horrible stuff! I would abort that thing as soon as possible.