Oct 20, 2006

Wanna snickers?

When I started this blog, I had my reservations. But I was inspired by a good friend of mine, who I have blogged about previously. This good friend takes shape in the human form of Eric.

I recently visited Eric in the land of Salt, where he was kind enough to entertain not only myself, but my ol chum Leslie, too. He bought us a big huge coffee cake. It was strawberrily rapturous.

We talked about moose meat.Eric is one of my oldest friends, therefore, we laughed about the old times. Like one time when him and his roommates stole all of the shoes from the Hot Girls apartment and they were so mad at them. Or the time when they hung a cooler outside of their bedroom window to keep their drinks cold and expedite the obtainment of cold drinks. Or the time when Eric and Jon nailed skis to the bottom of their couch that was NOT a dumpster couch, rather the couch from the apartments in which they were living. CONTINENTAL APARTMENTS. And I don't know which number their apartment was, but if that couch is still in there, I hope you are enjoying the legacy you sit your scrawny ass upon day after day watching your pathetic little TV shows, filling the void in your sad, pathetic little life. But I digress.

Anyway so we talked about old times for a while. Then Eric gave me a little tour of his house. I got to see the lovely dining room, the kitchen where he makes hot tea, the bathroom where he reads The Far Side, and his study. I should probably tell you, if you don't already know, that Eric has a huge problem. A lot of guys have this problem. Even marrieds. He sits up late into the night in his study, wasting away the night hours staring at his computer. And he's not just staring, oh no, his mind is wandering as he looks at the computer screen, with his wife in the room right next to his. This dirty habit keeps his mind occupied all day and night as he passes people he works with or goes to school with. He is constantly thinking about getting back to his house so he can get on the internet and do what he does best. Blogging. He is the ultimate blogger. And here's where it all takes place:

Eric has got it goin on. And if you don't believe me, check this out:

He does a great impression of that guy from Goonies.


Eric said...

I would first of all like to thank you for considering me to be a friend. I know how snooty people from Virginia can be and Julie has shown me nothing but a good time.

I would also like to attribute my blogging to a waning interest in my education, the lack of good cable television, a wife that goes to bed around nine, and a burning desire to make friend's with Julie's sister that can get free concert tickets in Salt Lake. Here's to Lars being lame, and a moose roast in every pot!

leslie said...

I gotta say I have only met Eric once but it was on Giant Coffecake Night and it was enough to believe all those other claims about him. He's what we in the biz call a mover and a shaker. Eric, do you have the right connections to make GCN an annual holiday?