Nov 13, 2006

IMDB = Not the bible afterall

I love IMDB. I'm an IMDB-er for more reasons than one, but the main reason being that I love to read the interesting reviews left by would be movie columnists, those who think they have a corner on the cinema market.
That being said, you must always always read the reviews with a grain of salt. Sometimes I completely agree with them. Other times, however, they put out reviews like the following, A review of Stranger Than Fiction, the new Will Ferrell movie:

I've had more entertaining poops than Stranger Than Fiction. And yes, that includes this morning.
Where to begin? Will Ferrell is NOT a meek man whose life is being mysteriously controlled by a novelist. He's just a great big lug, chewing the fat and mingling the gums. I wish he would do Alf again... I used to love it when he'd eat cats and cough up hair.
Also, what is with the Dustin Hoffman? What is this, his 1,000th movie and all of a sudden he tries to be Dr. Funnypants, PhD? He just wasn't right for the part, is all, homies. Why couldn't this be the movie where they resurrected the career of Bull the bailiff from Night Court? Dy-no-mite!
One thing I will say is that Stranger Than Fiction has a good debut from Emma Thompson. This gal can induce laughter faster than that gruff homeless man who used to tickle us as youngsters. I'll take the glazed!
Overall, I do not recommend Stranger Than Fiction.

I don't even know what to say after that. I wanted to personally chastize this "cinema expert", but I thought instead I would publicly slap his proverbial Roger and Ebert hand.
First of all, why does every Will Ferrell movie have to include him running around naked or looking like an ars? Maybe he's trying to branch out a bit.
Secondly, "A GOOD DEBUT FROM EMMA THOMPSON". WHAT? Has this person ever watched any good movies? Emma Thompson is a well seasoned actress, and I'm a little embarrassed she would accept a role playing second fiddle to Will Ferrell's shenanigans.
Third, I agree with the Dustin Hoffman thing. Get over it, Dustin.

Overall, I do not recommend you believe IMDB reviews as The Gospel. That being said, I will not be paying to see Stranger than Fiction. I will be sneaking into the theatre.

(And yes, I'm still procrastinating the gym--see below post)


morty said...

I feel the same way about the IMDb. I honestly don't know what I would do without it. Worse than the reviews, however, are the message boards. Everytime I scroll to the bottom of the page of a movie or actor I see a post that sounds interesting and everytime I say to myself "Don't click on that link, you will only regret it." Sadly, I should listen to myself more often.

Julie said...

I do that, too. Everytime I regret it. Everytime.