Jul 11, 2007

7-11=Pure happiness

It's FREE SLURPEE DAY today!!! Don't forget to stop by a 7-11 atleast 3 times to claim your free path to brainfreeze paradise! I just hope the 7-11 that I end up going to has more flavors than Coca-Cola and Cherry. Can we say 1993? Get some new flavors, slurpee people. Geez.


Anonymous said...

I had sour watermelon with a touch of blue raspberry. It's all about the mixing bitches. All about the mixing.

Anonymous said...

So did you love the new Harry Potter movie? Mary hated it - but I thought it was great! I didn't expect too much though, plus I was like wasted from being up at 2 AM. But I think you should add Harry Potter to your list of celebrity crushes. I know I will.

Lars said...

I've just gotto say it: I HATE SLURPEES!! They're disgusting. Whatever happened to Slush Puppies? Does anyone else remember those? Now they were good!

Anonymous said...

Can we ban her from the blog? I know that free speech is good and all, but no one should be able to speak about slurpees like that. Maybe they didn't have a 7-11 in Manila though... Actually I know they had no 7-11 in Manila.