Oct 26, 2007

Rain rain, make me a millionare

You know what would be a brilliant marketing scheme for an umbrella company? Or even just an idea for a business - Umbrellas to your Doorstep.

I don't have an umbrella and it's pouring rain right now. I would pay a pretty penny for an umbrella to be delivered to my office. Seriously, does anyone want to start this business? It would clearly be great in a place where it doesn't rain too often and people aren't prepared for rain. Or a city full of Nomadic Gnomes who are too cheap to buy umbrellas and only realize the importance of them when they have to ruin their beautiful shiny hair in an unending thunderstorm.

*Le Sigh


Jen Evans said...

Imagine how cool it would be if that guy were actually doing the robot.

leslie said...

it wouldn't be THAT great in a city where it doesn't rain that often... it would go out of business... unless instead of an umbrella company it is a parasol company where the parasols are hand-delivered to shelter you from the sun, and they keep umbrellas stocked for the RARE occasions when it rains.

i am thinking this is a good idea for somewhere in southeast asia, where they are afraid of the sun, and also have a pretty mean rainy season. voila!