Oct 18, 2007

I fell off the wagon

Remember this?

Maaaaan, it had been a really long time since I partook of the evil caffeine monster.
Then last week I had a great idea:
Self: Wow, I'm a little tired today. I wish I could sleep...but I have so much work to do!
Other Self: Hey Gnomie, remember when you used to drink monster all day and it would help keep you awake?
Self: Hmmm...yes...I DO recall. Oh yeah that's right. I would drink it in lieu of breakfast and lunch. I was so awake!
Other Self: Yes. You were awake and you were thin!!
Self: Yeah! I was thin! Land sakes, I should start drinking it again! Just for a couple days.

Fast forward to today:
I can't stop making silly jokes to my boss cause I can't wipe this goofy hepped-up grin off my face. My coworker just walked by and adjusted my dress strap which was falling off my shoulder making me look like a raging slutbag. This is in addition to my ill-applied whore-red lipstick in efforts to make my appearance more Put Together. I've got Crazy Eyes cause of the caffeine. You know - tired on the inside (bags) but wide-eyed and a little shaky (inability to focus).

Self: Maybe I should stop now while I'm still kind of ahead?

Other Self: Bottoms Up!!!


Lindsay said...

Other self really has some great advice!

Anonymous said...

is there a 12-step program for that stuff?


Anonymous said...

Hey, looking like a raging slutbag got me a wife. It ain't all bad.

Cort said...

I find your picture to be disturbing for various reasons. You look like a crackhead who's getting his/her first fix in a long time. The look on your face....freaky!!