May 29, 2008

In which my life is consumed my cheese

I cannot stop eating cheese, but that is beside the point of this post. Well, I'm going to be upfront, I don't yet know what this post is going to be about, other than the random ramblings of my life in the big city. I haven't quite "gotten organized". I don't "have it all together". I'm not "well-acquainted with this life-style".

To quote myself and to paraphrase my sister, Jenny - I have a shitton of homework. I mean, its only day 2 and already I'm slightly overwhelmed. Granted the past month of my life has been spent laying around on beaches, hiking volcanic islands, sleeping in until noon, sitting around the coffee shop all day, etc, etc. And granted, the past 1 1/2 years of my life have been spent sharpening pencils and refilling the drink closet with diet cokes and ordering laser pointers for boss people. And granted I have never liked doing homework EVER. So, basically I am probably right on track. I do, however, need to get on task. Yep, that's right. I need a calendar, an agenda, a binder of some sorts, something.

Ok so school is hard, but its SO FUN!!! Like last night I thought I might kill someone because I couldn't figure out how to plot a bell curve in excel, but then I figured it out today and I almost kissed my neighbor (apparently those emotions of mine are still running high). And then I MADE UP A MATH EQUATION to support this supposed correlation of lead amounts in gasoline to pollution in the air and it worked!!! My math equation worked and, more importantly, proved that math is awesome. Ever since I kicked maths ass on the GRE, I'm a little more confident in my math skillz. And I'm also doing other projects like working on solar energy legislation and devising a chemical analysis for forest fire chemicals. I LOVE FOREST FIRE!!! (The process, not the actual destruction.)

To quote Tanner, my bebbe, school is "the bomb dot com". And I'm also loving NYC. Yes, I spend most nights in my apartment and no, I haven't figured out how the hell to get cross town, and maybe I'm scared of the subway, but look - I'm getting used to my surroundings. I just discovered a Pinkberry around the corner from my apartment, and you can betchyerass I'll be eating ice cream very soon!

Anyway my mom is calling because SHE LOVES ME (and apparently reads my blog and I didn't know. hi mom) so peace out ya'll. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I'm so glad you are loving the city. It sounds delightful. I think change is always good and although I love D.C. I'm a little jealous of your move. I'm coming to NYC this weekend to spend time with a few rock star women. I would love it if you could join us for some part of the weekend.