I'm at the end, really. Yesterday went really really well. Today is the last class of my favorite class. Monday is my last class ever. Then 2 finals, and I'm done on the 11th. What?!
Today is the last day of April. I feel really good about this. Making it through this month was not easy, but I think I've come through it better and stronger in many ways. I feel really confident in the choices I'm making. My decision to move back to DC was tough, and a little heartbreaking, but I really feel like thats where I need to be right now. Go where the jobs are, young graduate student. And the jobs seem to all be in DC. And I love it there, which doesn't hurt. And there are a lot of lovely people that I wouldn't mind living with.
This weekend, for the first time in a while, I'm going to take off entirely from school. TH is coming up on the train tomorrow morning, and we're going to paint this town red before I leave.
Can you feel the relief I'm experiencing yet? School over, jobs abound, etc.
I got my cap and gown earlier this week and I hung it on my door. I keep looking at it, in disbelief. It feels so cool to be accomplishing this life goal.