Apr 9, 2009

skipping town.

Lovin up on Mr. Yogato. Sporting some new glasses. Bein nerdz.

You would think that because I'm in the last month of grad school I would be totally consumed with school and no time for anything else. While that is true monday - friday, I am taking back my weekends. Last weekend I went to DC for parties. This weekend I'm going to DC for jobs and Easter. I deserve it. I am at school from 9 to midnight nearly every night for the past 3 weeks and it's only going to get worse. So I dedicate all my weektime to school, and then party on the weekends. It makes sense - that's how it should be right? (no)

I just e-filed my taxes and I'm getting a decent kickback from the government for going to school! Make sure if you're a student you are applying for the Lifetime Learning credit. It's awesome. I can live in the city for another couple months now! No more bailouts from papa mickey.

Anyway, I'm taking off on the amtrak after a dismal bus experience last week. Then I have some job interviews set up for Friday and potentially Monday. I haven't set a "job-by-xx date" deadline yet, but I'm thinking I should? Ok. Job by June 1st. Because let's be honest - I won't be starting until atLEAST june 1st. I would love to take time off till mid-june...but I don't see how that is financially possible. However, I do believe in miracles. So we'll see.


modestmuse said...

Nice glossies. Very hip. Did you like Yogato? I went twice and decided I really just don't like it. Not a yogurt fan, I guess. What happened to TCBY?

this one said...

i love this pic. you look so pretty!!

miss you!
