Dec 28, 2010

ahhh christmas.

it was the best one i can remember.

beautiful tree.
ahem. let's try that again.
beautiful tree. (so maybe ours died last week. and maybe this is TH's parents beautiful tree.)

family everywhere. friends abound. of course i did not take pictures for i was too busy eating and talking. and even though we didn't go to bed before 2am all weekend and even though we were barely at home, it was such a perfectly relaxing holiday.

and did you notice? TH got me a brand new pretty lens for christmas! and he's toting around a new gee-tar.

merry christmas to everyone! we threw our christmas tree out the window last night, we're referring to it as "the defenestration of the tree". and then i blew a fuse while running the space heater, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, TV, and stereo at the same time (i was asking for it).

i think we're spending new years listening to blue grass at one of our favorite local venues. happy holidays to everyone, and i hope my new york friends are staying cozy in their 2 feet of snow drifts!


1 comment:

Jen Evans said...

I used the word "defenestration" to win a word game this week.