Jan 31, 2013

sometimes i wish...

...that I could stare into the future and know what decisions I should make today to make our family most happy. I know that's impossible, and life is a choose your own adventure, and all that. But let it be known - when opportunity knocks at my door, I am not one to tell it to go away and come back later!

I wish I could also write down all my secrets here, but some things are better left private, I suppose. How boring. ;)


Emilie said...

well...umm...you know...prayer and all that. it's magic.

Jen Evans said...

Are you thinking about moving to Ashburn too? Ps - at the pta this morning they calmly discussed how my daughter's school has asbestos in it. I'm dying here!

Laura K said...

No no, they are moving to the midwest. Msp! msp!

Jay and Heath said...

I found the perfect street for you three to live on, here in Portland the other day. Seriously... thought of you both when I saw it. That's reason enough to move out west, right? ;)