Mar 27, 2008

My latest activities and accomplishments, in no particular order

Easter family time
Look master frodo, an elefant.
Quick! Hide your children!
Le Loup's triumphant DC return
Puzzled? Check.
Upcoming activities: Polish dining, Frozen custard social hour, Saturday technicolor glamour-era-matinee at the museum, Cherry blossoms, marathon viewing(?), ok now I'm just getting ambitious. Lastly - painting. Hey, if we're being ambitious, there's no point in beating around the bush.


Jen Evans said...

Tell the cherry blossoms to stay and wait for me and Lizzie!

Eric said...

Please post more elephant photos.

The Sullengers said...

You are looking great by the way - love the hair and love the outfit in the top pic! Looks like you are having fun!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of an old painter's joke. "If you're going to be ambitious, no point in beating around the brush." Whew, gets me everytime.