Mar 31, 2008

On exercise

I'm going to be bookending the month of April with workouts. After a 6 month workout-hiatus, I am going back to the gym. I hope to be able to workout a few times a week throughout the month of April, though this might prove difficult with my upcoming work schedule. If I cannot work out with the frequency I would like to, I will atleast complete my goal of bookending the month with another work out on May 1.

I packed up my backpack this morning with all the necessities. Grubby tshirt, workout shorts, old sneaks, fully charged iPod, white socks, and hair ties to keep the sweat off my bangs. It felt so foreign and I was sad to think that I used to do this nearly every day. What happened, body? Why did you give up on the working out? The weird thing is - I have dropped about 2 pant sizes in the past 5 months without working out once. I do a lot of city walking and a lot of lunch skipping. But besides the fact that no pants fit me that well anymore - my biceps aren't the size of boulders and my stomach cannot be compared to a washboard. Yet.

I did 50 sit ups on Friday morning before work and I spent the whole of the afternoon with a tummy ache. Coincidence or am I really that out of shape? Have any tips for staying motivated? Especially when my huge workout goal is to work out 3-4 times a week for only one month. Not that hard. But how does one hold themselves to these goals??

1 comment:

Eric said...

Is there some way that the Redhead could offer teletraining to you? It may be interesting nonetheless.