Mar 8, 2009


I've made some awesome friends here in NYC. And as my posts will begin to note: I am going to miss them!! I love getting together for intimate saturday night parties, exchanging music, eating cupcakes, laughing about nonsensical things. And sunday dinners and dumb 80s movies are the perfect way to wrap up a great week and begin again.

This week holds a lot in store. I'm not quite ready for it all. In fact, I kind of want to hide in a hole for a while. I'm in cowering mode...must get out!!

I accomplished a huge milestone today. Something I've been working on for a long time, and especially since I moved here to NYC. I just have to say that I am a blessed individual and I could have never done half the things I've done without the support system of my family and friends.

I am grateful tonight.


hanner said...

Thanks for the comment! I must confess... sometimes when I get comments from people I don't know on my blog I forget about their blog and I don't follow it. But I'm going to repent in the hopes that you will write fabulous posts about Paris that will give me some hot tips and that I can have new blog friends on the east siiiide :)

modestmuse said...

And just think -- you were so nervous and anxious to leave D.C. for fear of not knowing/meeting anyone! Glad you've come so far!