Mar 31, 2009

Romania in London

TH lived in Romania for two years and he's been telling me tales of wonderment from his time spent there. We've been talking about finding a Romanian restaurant for years, and we finally did it in London. I really have no words to describe it, except to say that it was everything that TH had described...but oh so much more.
our cokes and the fine art
close up of the fine art. yes that is a painting with the actual object hanging next to it on a hanger that says "12". so poetic.TH in his element
my salmon and delicious potato delicacies
TH's meal of polenta and cabbage stuffed with meats
But that is not even the best part. No, the best part was the fact that we had to scream to each other to be heard, on account of the dueling synthesizer and live duet vocalists. They just turn the reverb knob up to 11 and hope for the best. All that in the backdrop of red tablecloths and strange was beyond entertaining. Romania really delivered. I can't wait to actually go there.

And for your viewing pleasure, I've provided you with a non-scripted short film including TH eating and musicians sythesizing. I just play the first 1.5 seconds over and over again and there is a lot of LOLing involved.


Eric said...

That video is just a couple elements short of an erotic masterpiece. Was the coke good at least?

Julie said...

thanks eric. yeah - those disco lights really set the mood.

i forgot to mention that we were 2 out of like 10 people in the entire restaurant, including the singers and our waiter. awkward.

modestmuse said...

WOW, I will make sure to get posted to Romania -- or London -- if ever possible. The food actually looks delish. (A close call with the french toast/bacon Stonehenge I just commented on.)