Apr 9, 2012

90s nostalgia.

Fifteen years ago I heard, for the first time, a band called Spiritualized.
They called themselves "chamber pop, or dream pop". Their album, Ladies and Gentlemen We are Floating in Space, changed my life. Their sound was so full, lyrics not at all cloying, and their overall sound was so unique that I just fell head over heels.

Spiritualized is releasing a new album in a few days - Sweet Heart Sweet Light - available for First Listen on NPR here. Listening to this band today still gives me that feeling, the one I felt back in my teenage years, of finding that new band that changed my outlook on the world around me. I crave that feeling sometimes. Plus this band still sounds so 90's, in the era of Dinosaur Jr, Sebadoh, Mercury Rev - all those bands that shaped my youth.

If you sometimes have 90's nostalgia, just pop this record on this morning, throw on your all black uniform, and sink back into your chair to be transported by Spiritualized. 90's rant.

ps which bands transport you back to your high school/early college years?

1 comment:

Liz said...

Thanks for posting, Julie! This post really affected me. Those lyrics are so powerful but for such a small group of people that it almost shocked me a little to read them this many years later. And Mercury Rev too! Living in small town Texas, where I'm sure my family and I were the only ones listening to this music, makes it almost feel like a family memory too. Thanks for sharing!