Sep 19, 2006

I left a cup of tea on my desk last week.
It is still on my desk.
The mate is beginning to mold. I have decided to turn it into a science experiment, and also, increase my chances of aforementioned rapidly spreading cold germ, which I still have managed to avoid.
I will be posting pictures shortly of my experiment.

This is going to be way cooler than my fifth grade experiment: Do plants grow better with sound--i.e. music, talking, etc.? (Results: obviously the one I talked to grew the best because of all the CO2 I was breathing right at the plantling.
What was your fifth grade science experiment? I really want to know, please share! And give results, too, don't be shy.


Anonymous said...

Mine was: What's that smell?

The results were: Julie.

Julie said...

Smells goooood, don't it.

Eric said...

I tried to see if hot water or cold water would freeze faster. In sixth grade I did 'does a gerbil like regular food or junk food better?'

Anonymous said...

two words: bread mold.

plastic bags.

counter top.

angry mom.

Julie said...

Why does my family like smelly moldy things?
I'm beginning to understand our dinner conversation is the way it is.

Julie said...

Eric what did he like better?

Eric said...

Well, he always had a soft spot for the sunflower seeds. He wouldn't eat much candy, but he loved to eat the chips ahoy cookies, minus the chocolate chips.