Sep 28, 2006

Just Plain Wrong

American Apparel really turns me on. All of their clothes are so streamlined. So simple. So plainly rapturous. Everytime I walk into a store, I want to run home and throw away all my frumpy clothing and my pirate-y ruffled shirts bought with promises to make me more likely to appear in US weekly. I also want to run home and color coordinate my closet, according to style and sleeve length.

But this...

Oh, American Apparel. You made us trust you with all of our fashion choices and then you pull the sneak move when you think nobody will question your motives.
What tomfoolery.


Anonymous said...

American Apparel loves you back and wants you to explain what we've done wrong. Pretty please!

Anonymous said...

Apparently the gymnast look is in. I wore that exact outfit to class the other day. When my teacher reminded me of the Honor Code and dress code, I yelled something about being pregnant, and he ended up giving me his sandwich and leaving me alone. Getting knocked up has definate perks.