Jul 5, 2007

I'm recovering, but I'm not enjoying it

Sorry its been awhile, I was on vacation! Only it wasn't a vacation I would like to repeat. Not. Ever.
Last Thursday I went through a painful surgery, for which I was knocked out. I finally got all of my wisdom teeth out and I feel empty, soul-less and hungry. I tried eating solid foods, but because I only chew with my front teeth I end up looking like a rabbit or my food doesn't get chewed and my stomach hurts. Like it is now. Basically I am miserable and I wish they would've knocked me out for a week because I feel like I just lost a week of my life anyway. Despite my grumblings, I suppose I did accomplish an exorbitant amount of tasks, given the circumstances. Here is what I've done in the past week:
1. Watch all of season 5 Alias (reignite my Vaughn love)
2. Watch about 10 other movies, including The Princess Bride, Nowhere in Africa, Manhattan, and Jurassic Park
3. Got some quality Dad time
4. Tried fun and exciting new smoothie recipes
5. Went to a morrissey concert
6. Threw up
7. Kept my tongue away from my sutures
8. Slept
9. OD'd on percocet
10. Not worked
11. Slept

So you see, not a complete waste of a week.

Now I am back at work, after a week off, and eating mashed bananas, mashed potatos, and any other foods I can get my grubby hands on that is mashed. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm dying here and the blood clots aren't healing properly. Certain people keep making me laugh and are slowing the healing process. That needs to stop.


Anonymous said...

I know a company that makes tons of mashed products

Anonymous said...

You can't blame me. You know I am a ridicously funny person, and I can't help it. You can't hold me down. When I have a good butter joke, I tell it.

Julie said...

you'll be delighted to know that the market across the street from my office sells both jello pudding and yogurt.

And the most amazing spicy tofu dish, but that is neither here nor there.

The Sullengers said...

When I got my wisdom teeth out I drank Orange Julius's and Green death till I couldn't stand it. Went to a new years eve party and had this dumb girl from high school squeeze my cheeks! Who does that?