Jan 13, 2008

Not the same

You know which song will get me fired up everytime?

Not the Same, Ben Folds (off the Rockin the Suburbs album).

I know, I know. Ben Folds is really an amazing musician, but I don't feel like people usually talk about him. His music is a bit mainstream, but I've seen him live (with Cara!) and he is a great performer. Throws his bench at the piano keys, swears at the crowd, and plucks the strings of the piano. Basically I wanted him to be my boyfriend. And still do.

But that song gets me for some reason. I've recently rediscovered this artist and its an excellent trip down memory lane. At the show he had all of us "ahhhhh" along with this song. Loved it. If you have a tough stomach, listen to his cover of Dr. Dre.

Anyway. Ya'll I've been under the weather for the entire past week. wtf? I know. Usually I'm like superwoman when it comes to disease and infection. It just doesn't get me. And even when it does, I fight it off and 2 days later I am a perfect speciman of health. But my gosh. This time it's different. I came down with a cough last week and it's progressed into a nice suffocating cold. Seriously I can't get rid. I've been od-ing on healthy food - OJ, soups, veggies, fruits, protein, etc. Ridiculous. I know why I'm still sick though:


It is my super powered elixir. I take a swig of it and I'm better the next day - no joke. I didn't get sick for 3 years because of this plan. Now I'm in DC and I have only found one place in the district that sells it and THEY ARE OUT OF IT. They can't find any "good stuff" for sale, like its effing hash or something. Don't they know I'm suffering?

Here is what I did this weekend:
1. Laid around
2. Watched movies while doing item #1
3. Drank lots of fluids and ate tofu and oranges
4. Wore clothing in the categories of "housecoat" and "sweatpants"
5. Became more and more sick.

Now its Sunday evening and there are crumpled tissues lying all around my house. I've made up my mind: if I'm not better by Thursday I will cut my nose off. It's always been too pointy anyhow.

1 comment:

The Sullengers said...

I love Ben Folds - of course - and he was amazing in concert - we screamed (sang) the entire way to and from the concert - good times! I pretty much love all music and as long as I know the words (which usually are made up) I will sing at the top of my lungs. And oh- I was sick for about a month - great weight loss program! But it did suck so I hope you get better soon! Much love!