Jan 15, 2008

Wack back

I look pretty happy here, right? Well - I'm a good faker.
I'm still sick and not only that - I threw my back out. I got a massage yesterday and I feel a little relief, but sitting in this office chair all day doesn't help the situation. I throw a heating pad on it when I get home from work and stretch it and haven't been reckless at all (except when I wore heels all day Friday - stupid!) I have a doctors appointment next Friday, but that seems like ages away.

Any tips for a girl with a bum back?


2nd said...

I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling so well right now!
When I hurt my back my doctor said backs take 10 days to heal, no less :( He also said to put ice on it when it hurt and to stretch every morning (I’d add to only do as much of that as you can without it hurting).
I'd also suggest to get lots of rest and to not bend your back (bend at the hips when you need to bend).

Jen Evans said...

Hahaha, bum back. Your whole back is a bum.

Anonymous said...

three little suggestions:
prescription IB profen

and a season of your favorite show

Eric said...

Get some Soma if the Dr will give you some. You're going to have to complain a lot though. Most of the addicts I deal with would agree that it's worth it. It's even better if you mix it with some whiskey, in your case, some wine coolers - they're more feminine. Like Kotex.