Mar 1, 2010

absent mindedness

in the past 2 weeks i have:

lost my keys twice.
forgot my wallet at home only to realize it had been in my purse the entire day.
worn my cardigan inside out for an entire day without realizing it.
bumped into a million things.
been incredibly distracted at work.
forgotten a friends name.
misplaced 2 gift cards (nordstroms? where are you!).
drove to the mall and couldn't find my wallet, so drove back home still unable to find it, then realized it was in the drivers seat. i've been a little spacey lately. i'm hoping it's just because of all the wedding stuff, because if this is who i'm turning into, i'm getting out of here.


hanner said...

if you ever go into a room and forget what you went in for, you're supposed to try and remember what it was instead of brushing it off. apparently it helps avert the risk of alzheimers later in life. i'm just saying.

JD said...

i think it's pretty understandable. unless this turns into a recurring trend post-wedding, i wouldn't worry about it.