Mar 15, 2010


it all came together and in the end, nothing really mattered except the love particles floating EVERYWHERE. last weekend was the craziest celebration of love i've ever been a part of, and to think it was to celebrate the love I have for my dear mark!! (TH as we so endearingly call him here). our family and friends are the best - i'm convinced. i just don't know how i got so lucky to have them all in my life!

more recaps to come...

just back home for a day from warm and sunny guatemala, and leaving tomorrow for london.

cheerio, dahlings.


hanner said...


just kidding. i think that means congratulations but i'd have to brush up on my mandarin.

it was a fun party last weekend! you guys looked so happy and beautiful. and i am SO jealous you're going to london. so jeal! go have a walk across millenium bridge and have a sit in the tate modern for me. and a cadbury flake. yummm. also, evensong at westminster abbey! can't be beat. also, i'd better stop now. you might know all these things. but i love. london.

Lars said...

Yay! so glad I got to be there! Love ya julzie!

ck said...

so gorgeous! where did you get your dress? it's magnificent.

The Sullengers said...

Looks fantastic - sad I missed it!!! Have fun in London and can't wait to hear from you when you get back!

DeeAura said...

BEAUTIFUL! Oh, I'm so happy for you! :)

Julie said...

thanks - dress is from a vintage shop in chicago - the silver moon.

modestmuse said...

oh and p.s. these pics are GORGEOUS. You are such a beautiful bride!