Apr 1, 2010


really? march is over? that was fast.

my mind is all a jumble with renewable energy, home decor, cybersecurity, how to be a wife, budgeting, etc. i'm kind of having trouble getting started. i guess this goes back to me thinking that once i cross something off my list, everything will be so much easier. like when i wanted bangs and a goldfish, and i thought life would be just perfect once i got those things. well i cut bangs and they are ok and i got a goldfish and it died. and i was never that much happier to be honest. i'm so naive, but i thought after the wedding was over and it was just me and TH, things would be so much easier. but life doesn't stop and guess what - it is kind of hard to meld two lives together! i love living with TH and being married, but there are some things that are hard to get used to. like snoring and the exponential daily growth of the laundry pile.

work is crazy, too, and if i can just finish this paper i will be eternally happy and my woes will be no more...you know, until the next big project comes along which is already metaphorically sitting on my lap. i think what i need in my life is a saturday. so...2 days to go. i think i can manage.

ps i have made peace with the brown couch. thanks for your suggestions, especially jay.
pps i am repainting the kitchen. i feel like i need a football jersey every time i walk in, that's how grossly blue it is. maybe something more like this...


hanner said...

DUDE! i feel your pain. life is too busy. but it helps having someone there that can share your burden. (when they aren't too busy. haha.)

also, that blue was what i envisioned for our bedroom, and the color we picked didn't have enough green in it. instead it looks like a baby boy's nursery. you should have gone with "patriot"! jk.

hanner said...

re: 1st paragraph, that was supposed to be a "yay" for marriage

Laura K said...

you know, i always thought those female comedians that always complain about men and husbands were exaggerating, but its true; their socks never make it into the laundry basket. Occassionally they land next to it, but never IN the basket. EVER.

hanner said...

oh man, SO true. robbie always leaves his dirty socks next to the bed?? walk like TWO MORE FEET and they'll end up where they're supposed to be.

Julie said...

funny you mention it, i just found some socks hiding under the basket last night. what IS that?

JD said...

i like the results of the bangs and goldfish story.