Nov 29, 2010

lizzie and christmas.

4 days of having a 3 year old will wear you right out.

and unrelated part 2 of this post:
the journey of our first christmas tree.
1. north carolina
2. fragers hardware, where we picked it up. hello beautiful!A quick stop by the grocery store, with a new bench we purchased from E.M. We thought this was so funny - it looked like we were having a little photo shoot for our first christmas tree. and well, maybe we were.
Welcome home, little tree!!

Funny story about this tree, it took a while to walk it 10 blocks and we got a lot of funny looks, what with TH carrying a tree and me carrying a bench. Not to mention we were trying to hide from any church neighbors since we bought all this on Sunday. Hahaha.


Laura K said...

mark and christmas tree make a charming pair. and it looks like lizzie ate a sour cupcake.

Julie said...

i know! it was cookie dough flavored, so i don't know what the big deal was. :)

hanner said...

if you hadn't told the story on sunday about how you hadn't gotten your tree yet, then i wouldn't have known you were a SINNER!!! just kidding.

also, robbie and i have a really big tree. it's ridiculous. i wasn't there to pick it out but it's really encroaching on our living space. oh well, the more the merrier.

mike said...

Our neighbor tried to get me to go with him this weekend to cut our own christmas trees. Little did he know Amber set our's up 2 weeks ago...

Red Boots said...

She looks like a fun 3 year old to hang out with! And yay for having your christmas tree! We don't have ours yet, but soon!