Aug 1, 2007

Sometimes it helps being a somewhat youthful, mildly attractive woman

I've had a UPS package to send out for about a week and have been putting it off for personal reasons (I have a severe case of Procrastination. Don't worry it's not contagious, but you probably already have it anyway). So today I brought the package to work. Only to find out that 2 days ago we decided to stop having a UPS pickup here. We have switched to a Fed-ex monopoly sitution, which I think is a horribly inefficient idea (hello! FED-EX won't ship to PO Boxes. Whatever.).

So I decided to do the only thing I could do. I would venture out into the hundred degree weather with my box. Today I decided to wear a really cute white skirt with black flowers and a black (very tight) tshirt. Sometimes, especially in the sun, this tshirt is somewhat see through. I know, not the kind of thing you want to wear to work, but I couldn't find any clothes after the move. This was the best I could come up with for a Wednesday. Oh did I mention I just got a new pair of shoes that I love?! I wore those today, too.

I'm walking down the street, holding my box, swinging my birthing hips, my toenail polish glimmering in the sunlight. Keep in mind I have no idea where I'm going. Just kind of walking around looking for a UPS store. Very ignorant of me, I know. I walk no further than 2 blocks when I see it. A heaven sent gift from straight above, a big fat brown UPS truck! A UPS man in brown was chucking boxes around in the back of the truck and I realized I had a decision to make.

Usually, I wouldn't want to interrupt the Man Hard at Work. But usually, I'm not as attractive as I was today.

I timidly walked over to the truck and asked him if I could give him my package.

He then retorted "Only if I can give you mine".


But I'm sure that's what he was thinking. I mean, NEW SHOES, guys! It does things to you. Maybe this is why I have my addiction to shoes. They give me superpowers, like being able to interrupt people wearing brown uniforms. That is a quality super power, if you ask me.


Eric said...

I am forced to assume that you were wearing no bra with said tight shirt. Freaking hot. I am so down for the no bra look, or is it more of a sag and a poke, I don't know. Anyway, the Redhead and I are going to NYC in October. Is it too far from you? My brother just moved to Manhatten.

leslie said...

this is the second blog i have read today about super powers. my friend mandy has the super power of always getting the perfect parkign spot. i need to sit down with a calculator and find out what my own are.

hey maybe we should take a trip to NYC in october too... we haven't been since january! 'twould be the perfect excuse.

Idaho Rob said...

So did he take the package? And Eric you spelled Manhattan incorrectly and yes you are being corrected by an Idahoan