Feb 19, 2009

1:00 pm on the UWS.

I used to live in Northeast DC in a neighborhood well known for its poverty, rioting, crimes, and drugs. None of that ever really bothered me. The main thing that bothered me was the absence of nearby grocery stores. Anyway, I left the house in the morning for work, and returned around 6. I never really saw what mid-day was like, but I assumed it was quiet because "Everyone works during the day".

No, Gnomie.

Everyone certainly does not work during the day. Everyone certainly does not even work. A woman I worked with, we'll call her Jackie (because that is her name) owned a house about 3 blocks away from me and would constantly complain of the drug dealers in her neighborhood messing with her property and breaking into her house. I was always surprised. "But Jackie", I would say, "I never really see drugs in my neighborhood."


One day I stayed home from work. I went out around 12 or 1 to get some lunch. The streets were rife with junkies. Rife. The freaks come out at night? Oh, no. They come out after they've woken up from a crazy night around 12 or 1. It all makes sense now. I went back to Jackie to tell her my revelation and she couldn't have cared less. "Of course - the junkies. That's who I'm always talking about." Ok. Anyway. I knew then.

And now I'm in NY. And some days, like today, I don't leave my house until 1 or 2. I saw a lot of crazies on the way to school. People who appeared to never fully wake up. It's kind of weird, but it made me feel like I was back home for a second.

I love new york, I really do. But DC is home. And I'll be moving back in 3 months. I can't believe how quickly time has passed.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Welcome Back in 3 Months!!