Feb 18, 2009

new phrases

I was just thinking - with all the french I know, I can create a number of phrases.

Recap: Here is what I know--

Ne me quitte pas (don't leave me)
Je suis fromage (I am cheese)
Je me pelle (my name is)
Je taime (I love you)

Oh and I learned Ou est (where is) from AmandaStretch, so that is going in, too.

Here's what I can say:

I love cheese.
Where is the cheese?
Don't leave the cheese.
Where is i love you? (i can say this to unrequited lovers)
Also, Ou est la boulangerie - where is the bakery?

Umm, ok yes, I may still be in trouble, but I do not think I'll have any trouble eating cheese or bread. So seems like a fine trip to me.


JD said...

not a bad start, gnomie. but i am sensing a need for expansion beyond cheese.

AmandaStretch said...

I just remembered something. There is a little patisserie right across the street from the Gare Saint Lazare metro stop. The lemon tartellete? Orgasmic. Seriously. (Can I say that here?) I moaned a little whilst I was eating it, in front of my grandparents.