Feb 18, 2009

Having trouble sleeping.

I just cannot sleep. I need to try something different - I usually don't fall asleep until at least 2, then have to wake up normally by 8. Not enough sleep.

Anyway, TH is gone on his whirlwind tour of Europe. Turkey, then London, then Brussels, then back to the states and straight to San Francisco. When he was considering jobs to take (over a year ago now) he really wanted to have a job that allowed him to travel, so he chose his current job. Well, I think he got his wish. Who gets to go to Istanbul for work?! So cool.

Not to be outdone, I am also planning to get my jet-set on. I'm going to France and London for my spring break. It was just going to be London, but last minute I was selected to go to France - a French energy company is sponsoring 10 Columbia students for 4 days. I'm thrilled! We will be going to Paris, Cherbourg (yes, as in umbrellas of cherbourg), Avignon, and another city I can't remember. I went to France years ago to pick up my brother from his mission, but it's been long enough to where I have forgotten a lot of the details. After the French tour, I'm taking a train to London to spend the weekend with TH. Less than a month away - I need to start planning!

So I'm flying into Paris a few days early to check out the city, then I'll have some free time in London, too.

What should I do (Paris or London)? I need tips! What should I pack? What should I eat? How fast can you learn french? Here is what I currently know:
Ne me quitte pas (don't leave me),
Je suis fromage (I am cheese)
Je me pelle (my name is)
Je taime (I love you)

I'm not going to get very far. So I will be watching this:

Should I drop out of school in the meantime? Because, wow - I'm not getting anything done lately - and this trip is yet another distraction. Oh me.


JD said...

poor poor gnomie.

tylenol PM, nyquil, and a boring textbook.

Sokphal said...

You are SOOOO lucky! Je suis jealous! Paris and London are my absolute favorite cities in the whole wide world! Paris is prettier and the food is a yummier. But London is just as amazing! I think you should start reading “French girls don’t get fat”—heard it’s good. You should just go to a boulangerie everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Oui! Oui! Oui!

AmandaStretch said...

Ooh! I did study abroad in London and then went back there in 2007 for Christmas, which we actually spent in Paris. It was awesome!

First, you need to watch this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUVagbFcSUU

Also, learn the phrase "Ou est?" or "Where is?"

"Je ne comprends pas." - "I don't understand."

"Je ne sais pas." - I don't know.

Also, this is handy - http://www.frommers.com/destinations/paris/0062020766.html

So much cool stuff to do and see! Rather than make this the longest comment ever, message me on Facebook if you want any more ideas or help or anything!

Have fun!

modestmuse said...

Awesome!!!!! You two are the jet-set couple. Meeting up in London?! You need to find a way to get sponsored to come to Argentina. I know there are opportunities like that.