May 6, 2010

some days are harder than others.

i know, obviously, right? but some days i really let my environment get me down. today is definitely one of these days. i often struggle with what to say to people. i think i've always felt like more of a question ask-er than a talker or contributor. i don't know, i just find it hard sometimes. then my fear is that the other person will think i'm not smart or i'm snobbish or i'm aloof.

or maybe they get it, too. maybe everybody has days like this?

maybe i need to be more assertive around talkity talky people, but then i don't feel like myself. ahhhh life. you sure throw me curve balls from time to time.

at least tomorrow starts my birthday weekend, and one good piece of news (well, two really) - TH was supposed to be out of town on business, but his trip was cancelled, so he can celebrate with me! and second good thing is my work lets us take half-days on birthdays, so i'm leaving tomorrow around noon to go hang out in the city with TH! hurray. tell me, is there anything that feels more luxurious than hanging out with other people who are supposed to be working on a school day? it's like skipping school all over again (which i did plenty of, thank you very much steven parker and manassas mall).

ok, i feel a little better after thinking about how much fun tomorrow will be. lalala.


Jay and Heath said...

I think I'll take a half day too, in honor of you, the birthday girl, of course! =) Good talking to ya last week. Miss you MUCHO! Heath

Mary said...

I feel like that, too, Jules, around talkity talk people. Today I had one of those days, too. We must be linked somehow.

Yesterday I was really talky. I think I outdid myself yesterday and was overthinking today. Yes, that explains it...