Oct 3, 2011

coffee table the 6th.

since we got married just 18 months ago, TH and i have owned five iterations of coffee tables. FIVE. i know. it's ridiculous. i always like the coffee table when i buy it, but when i bring it home it just doesn't look right in our house.

yesterday i bought the 6th and hopefully FINAL coffee table. this is the first time that we both like it. (or maybe TH is so sick of this whole thing he just could not care less.) it's just been really hard to decorate a carpeted living room!


mike said...

i like it, keep it. Just remember you can't do that with kids so if you get the urge to trade them find a new coffee table.

kate said...

i've got total couch envy over here. love it!

Emilie said...

We go through that many because our kids bust them. Maybe IKEA is not the best choice for us.

Julie said...

@communikate THANKS! i love it when people love my couch.

hanner said...

oh julie.

hanner said...

and lol mike

hanner said...

and i actually really have liked all of your coffee tables but this one's probably myfavorite

emily said...

i think it looks gorgeous. keep keep!

naomi megan. said...

I like this one too. although i have loved them all.

that first comment made me laugh. it's very very true! ;)

brooke field said...

we had 4 different addresses in just 4 months. and still hate our coffee table! i think a new one will be my christmas present to husband :)