Dec 23, 2009


i love this show. we have all the episodes of glee ti-voed, and i watch them over and over. i know i'm a huge nerd and maybe you will lose respect for me, but this is like a million times better than admitting that i watch gossip girl. (right?)
i can't get over how amazing this first song is, and how well rachel performs it! it inspires me.


anniegray said...

my total fav, too. she a little mini babs. can you believe they aren't airing a new show until spring? you will be a married woman by then!

AmandaStretch said...

LOVE this show! I bought the first CD over Thanksgiving and I've already lost track of how many I've listened to and sung along with it!

Lars said...

I totally agree! I heart this show!

Jill said...

I almost died from the kiss at the end

AG said...

My sister inlaw just intro'd me to it so I've only watched what's online - YES great show! love it!