Nov 15, 2007


I've been tagged before, and I normally don't respond, but it was at the request of Iggy, whom I love and adore and therefore must do as commanded.

So, drumroll, in no particular order - 7 random things about myself...

1. I always let my toenails grow out because I forget about them. The only way I remember to cut them is when the nails start cutting into my other toes. TRUE STORY. THIS HAPPENS EVERY TIME. I’m disgusting.
2. I have had a reoccurring nightmare since I was about 10. In this nightmare, the details always change a little, but my teeth always fall out. Sometimes they fall out in clumps, other times the shatter like glass. I ALWAYS wake up and think that I am toothless. It’s terrifying.
3. I have a not-so-secret crush on bearded men. TH just shaved his beard because he’s currently in hot pursuit of a job, and I cried myself to sleep last night (not really, TH). But really, a bearded man in my humble opinion is the hottest thing since sliced toast.
4. I have to walk the exact same way to work every morning and I count my steps. I try to beat myself every day by taking less steps then the day before. We are moving offices and I get to start the game all over. I’m really very much excited.
5. I like to knit but I totally suck at it. Ask any of my nieces and nephews that I’ve made blankets and dolls for. I know one day I will be the crazy Knitting Aunt who knits sweaters that are too big and too ugly but the kids will be so sweet to me that I’ll never know they hate my creations. Thanks in advance, babies.
6. Tall people scare the crap out of me. I never realized this until I was walking home late one night and there was a very tall man walking towards me. I was sure he was going to kill me, but turns out I am still alive. Everytime I see a tall person, I stare and hold my purse a little tighter. It’s really unfounded, but I can’t stop the fear.
7. When I was younger, I used to have a theme every day for my clothes. Like I would wear black and white and a music note necklace and I was a keyboard. Or brown pants and a green shirt=tree. I still do this sometimes, although now it’s more like black short dress=common whore. OK, not really. But I think I need to start again. Tomorrow: Yellow and white=fried egg.

I'm going to tag some peeps: Lars, Jenny, and Eric - even though he doesn't really even BLOG anymore. Get on that, Eric. Oh and Jaylo, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new layout!

Gnome Hands