Dec 17, 2009


i have a new floor for my running times. i will not run under 2 miles anytime i go to the gym and i will not run at a pace less than an 8:45 mile. this is a really really big deal and i'm ready to make the commitment.

last night i ran two miles coming in at just around 17:30. for a girl who hates running and is really slow at it, i felt pretty good about that achievement. it feels great to get out and move my body and sweat and get my heart going! i need to get addicted to the working out, so i can be in the best shape of life for the wedding day. TH says let's build it up, so when we get married, we can really just let ourselves go. haha.

did i mention this is all going down march 6th? uhmm...shortest engagement ever?


Sokphal said...

Two miles is a really good start but try doing 5-6 miles with that time goal. It gets harder. :) For me distance is more important that time. Running is fun!!! Oh! Don't forget to strength train too! That's just as important for toning up! I think you should tie a donut on a stick in front of you. It will help with the motivation! Or a piece of popcorn. Whatevs! :)

hanner said...

pshaw, march 6th, it's plenty of time!

The Danimal said...

Julies I reads yours blogs every week. I love you.

and I'm inspired by your runningness.

I really want to come to your reception.

Julie said...

thanks sokphal! i must sound like such a sissy - 2 miles is nothing compared to the half marathons and marathons you run!

Team O'Connor said...

Girl I have been running a lot too and I am super slow. Your pace is gangsta. Seriously. I have been running 4 miles lately so that I feel like I could bust out a 5k any day of the week. The fastest I've done it is 35:40 and I'm trying to get it down to 32ish...not fun. You've inspired me to pick it up though. Thank you!!!