Jun 8, 2011

glasses and cats. not together.

we had an hour tonight where we didn't know what to do. (we need hobbies). so naturally i made him try on all the glasses in our home, which are your favorite? i have my pick. and my not pick, as you'll see.

and also, a cat that lived with us for a week last autumn. just cause sometimes you wanna see a little kitty cat.


Laura K said...

Haplo was communicating with me telepathically today and he told me to tell jenny that he was not the one that let in the flying ants. But perhaps that's a conversation that should stay within gchat

Laura K said...

Ps. word verification: whilis.
What chu talkin bout whilis

naomi megan. said...

ah! i love you guys. i love this post! are any of those your glasses? i couldn't tell if the second to last pair are your current ones.

WHEN are you guys coming over? we're basically unpacked (just sofa shopping... which i know you know is the FUNNEST THING ON THIS PLANET) but besides that, we're kinda settled. come over?

Mary said...

Hahaha! You guys think of the best ways to pass the time. I remember when we went to the 4th of July celebration in DC and you guys were trying to get pictures of the most flamboyantly patriotic people you could find. I recall a jean jacket bedazzled with sparkly flags...

Julie said...

naomi, they're all my glasses except for the 2nd to bottom. those are the glasses he wears every day. they look huge for some reason in that picture.
we want to come over! mark still hasn't seen the new digs and i have something for you.

and mary, i still have that picture of the bedazzled vest. truly an icon.